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- /* src/options.h. Generated automatically by configure. */
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1992, Brian Berliner and Jeff Polk
- * Copyright (c) 1989-1992, Brian Berliner
- *
- * You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * specified in the README file that comes with the CVS source distribution.
- *
- * This file holds (most of) the configuration tweaks that can be made to
- * customize CVS for your site. CVS comes configured for a typical SunOS 4.x
- * environment. The comments for each configurable item are intended to be
- * self-explanatory. All #defines are tested first to see if an over-riding
- * option was specified on the "make" command line.
- *
- * If special libraries are needed, you will have to edit the Makefile.in file
- * or the configure script directly. Sorry.
- */
- /* By default, CVS stores its modules and other such items in flat
- text files (MY_NDBM enables this). Turning off MY_NDBM causes CVS
- to look for a system-supplied ndbm database library and use it
- instead. That may speed things up, but the default setting
- generally works fine too. */
- #ifndef MY_NDBM
- #define MY_NDBM
- #endif
- /*
- * The "patch" program to run when using the CVS server and accepting
- * patches across the network. Specify a full pathname if your site
- * wants to use a particular patch.
- */
- #define PATCH_PROGRAM "patch"
- #endif
- /* Directory used for storing temporary files, if not overridden by
- environment variables or the -T global option. There should be little
- need to change this (-T is a better mechanism if you need to use a
- different directory for temporary files). */
- #ifndef TMPDIR_DFLT
- #define TMPDIR_DFLT "T:"
- #endif
- /*
- * The default editor to use, if one does not specify the "-e" option
- * to cvs, or does not have an EDITOR environment variable. I set
- * this to just "vi", and use the shell to find where "vi" actually
- * is. This allows sites with /usr/bin/vi or /usr/ucb/vi to work
- * equally well (assuming that your PATH is reasonable).
- */
- #ifndef EDITOR_DFLT
- #define EDITOR_DFLT "ed"
- #endif
- /*
- * The default umask to use when creating or otherwise setting file or
- * directory permissions in the repository. Must be a value in the
- * range of 0 through 0777. For example, a value of 002 allows group
- * rwx access and world rx access; a value of 007 allows group rwx
- * access but no world access. This value is overridden by the value
- * of the CVSUMASK environment variable, which is interpreted as an
- * octal number.
- */
- #ifndef UMASK_DFLT
- #define UMASK_DFLT 002
- #endif
- /*
- * The cvs admin command is restricted to the members of the group
- * CVS_ADMIN_GROUP. If this group does not exist, all users are
- * allowed to run cvs admin. To disable the cvs admin for all users,
- * create an empty group CVS_ADMIN_GROUP. To disable access control
- * for cvs admin, comment out the define below.
- */
- #define CVS_ADMIN_GROUP "cvsadmin"
- #endif
- /*
- * The Repository file holds the path to the directory within the
- * source repository that contains the RCS ,v files for each CVS
- * working directory. This path is either a full-path or a path
- * relative to CVSROOT.
- *
- * The big advantage that I can see to having a relative path is that
- * one can change the physical location of the master source
- * repository, change the contents of CVS/Root files in your
- * checked-out code, and CVS will work without problems.
- *
- * Therefore, RELATIVE_REPOS is now the default. In the future, this
- * is likely to disappear entirely as a compile-time (or other) option,
- * so if you have other software which relies on absolute pathnames,
- * update them.
- */
- #define RELATIVE_REPOS 1
- /*
- * When committing or importing files, you must enter a log message.
- * Normally, you can do this either via the -m flag on the command
- * line or an editor will be started for you. If you like to use
- * logging templates (the rcsinfo file within the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT
- * directory), you might want to force people to use the editor even
- * if they specify a message with -m. Enabling FORCE_USE_EDITOR will
- * cause the -m message to be appended to the temp file when the
- * editor is started.
- */
- /* #define FORCE_USE_EDITOR */
- #endif
- /*
- * When locking the repository, some sites like to remove locks and
- * assume the program that created them went away if the lock has
- * existed for a long time. This used to be the default for previous
- * versions of CVS. CVS now attempts to be much more robust, so lock
- * files should not be left around by mistake. The new behaviour will
- * never remove old locks (they must now be removed by hand).
- * Enabling CVS_FUDGELOCKS will cause CVS to remove locks that are
- * older than CVSLCKAGE seconds.
- *
- * Use of this option is NOT recommended.
- */
- /* #define CVS_FUDGELOCKS */
- #endif
- /*
- * When committing a permanent change, CVS and RCS make a log entry of
- * who committed the change. If you are committing the change logged
- * in as "root" (not under "su" or other root-priv giving program),
- * CVS/RCS cannot determine who is actually making the change.
- *
- * As such, by default, CVS disallows changes to be committed by users
- * logged in as "root". You can disable this option by commenting out
- * the lines below.
- */
- #ifndef CVS_BADROOT
- #define CVS_BADROOT
- #endif
- /* Define this to enable the SETXID support. The way to use this is
- to create a group with no users in it (except perhaps cvs
- administrators), set the cvs executable to setgid that group, chown
- all the repository files to that group, and change all directory
- permissions in the repository to 770. The last person to modify a
- file will own it, but as long as directory permissions are set
- right that won't matter. You'll need a system which inherits file
- groups from the parent directory (WARNING: using the wrong kind of
- system (I think Solaris 2.4 is the wrong kind, for example) will
- create a security hole! You will receive no warning other than the
- fact that files in the working directory are owned by the group
- which cvs is setgid to).
- One security hole which has been reported is that setgid is not
- turned off when the editor is invoked--most editors provide a way
- to execute a shell, or the user can specify an editor (this one is
- large enough to drive a truck through). Don't assume that the
- holes described here are the only ones; I don't know how carefully
- SETXID has been inspected for security holes. */
- /* #define SETXID_SUPPORT */
- #endif
- /*
- * Should we build the password-authenticating client? Whether to
- * include the password-authenticating _server_, on the other hand, is
- * set in config.h.
- */
- #endif
- /*
- * If you are working with a large remote repository and a 'cvs
- * checkout' is swamping your network and memory, define these to
- * enable flow control. You will end up with even less probability of
- * a consistent checkout (see Concurrency in cvs.texinfo), but CVS
- * doesn't try to guarantee that anyway. The master server process
- * will monitor how far it is getting behind, if it reaches the high
- * water mark, it will signal the child process to stop generating
- * data when convenient (ie: no locks are held, currently at the
- * beginning of a new directory). Once the buffer has drained
- * sufficiently to reach the low water mark, it will be signalled to
- * start again. You may override the default hi/low watermarks here
- * too.
- */
- #define SERVER_HI_WATER (2 * 1024 * 1024)
- #define SERVER_LO_WATER (1 * 1024 * 1024)
- /* End of CVS configuration section */
- /*
- * Externs that are included in libc, but are used frequently enough
- * to warrant defining here.
- */
- #ifndef STDC_HEADERS
- extern void exit ();
- #endif
- #define NO_SOCKET_TO_FD 1
- #define SYSTEM_INITIALIZE(argc,argv) amiga_system_initialize(argc,argv)
- void amiga_system_initialize(int * _argc,char *** _argv);